
Life can become a bit tedious on the best of days, but during a pandemic that stretches on (and on), the walls can really close in. Yet despite the close quarters, the same faces, and a dearth of outside stimulus, you can still add adventure into your life.

We like to create a list of words to start the process. By mixing and matching, you can conjure an interesting exploit for yourself; one that can go a long way towards jumpstarting the adrenals. We advise taking a pad and paper and jotting down the first words that come to mind. Don’t edit yourself; the fun comes in seeing how you might configure some or all into your next escapade.

  1. blindfold
  2. hang time
  3. wager
  4. accelerant
  5. shoestring
  6. Delray
  7. amateur
  8. midnight
  9. coyote

How can number 1 and number 9 work together? What happens when “wager” and “hang time” are paired? Just considering the possibilities is enough to take us away from the headlines and springboard us into the unknown.

*Other words to consider: odds, uncertainty, randomness, hazard, and surprise.