Quit vaping. Start making real money in the stock market. Quit dating losers. Start learning how to code. Get off social media.
2023 is here, and with it the pressure to halt all our bad habits, right all our wrongs, improve our posture and lose 15 pounds.
But is attempting the impossible the best way to start the day, much less the decade? We think not. In our view, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with ringing in the new year by eating an extra helping of gourmet chocolate while watching reruns of “30 Rock”. (If that’s what you enjoy doing, of course.)

Here’s the resolution the SuperOptimist always adopts, whether it’s New Year’s Day, Arbor Day, All Saint’s Day, or just another Wednesday: “All is well, life is swell, and I’m good just the way I am.”
By starting the new year accepting every screw-up, flaw, and mistake as the price of being human, you have a 130% better chance of enjoying the first days of the fresh annum. So ignore all those life coaches with their exhortations to improve everything about yourself. If they want to drink celery juice and get on the scale five times a day, that’s their problem, not yours!
Remember, the definition of resolution is “the firm decision to do or not do something.” Why not make a firm decision to make no decisions about your future, and enjoy the first month of the year without putting undo pressure on yourself?
By starting 2020 this way, you might find this turns out to be “your year” after all.*

*If you are compelled to figure out how to improve your life in 2023, we suggest looking back on what worked in 2022. Here’s a short quiz to separate the pluses from the minuses. By doubling down on the good stuff, you’ll assure yourself of more personal victories in the coming year.
What was the best thing I experienced in 2022?
What was a huge waste of my energy?
What activity gave me the most pleasure?
What was my bravest failure?
What can I try that I haven’t?
What error can I avoid now that I see it?
What did I fear in 2022 that I survived?
Did I handle the bad shit well?
How many times did I feel joy?
Who did I like hanging out with?
Who would I prefer never seeing again?